Friday 19 October 2012

Drawing Environment Art

Noah Bradley
Noah Bradley is an extremely well-known and creative environment artist. He focusses on creating huge landscape environment based in different times and universes. His work has won him multiple awards and what I really love about his art is the colours and scale he uses. They define his work and create the uniqueness in all of them.
This work in particular piece caught my attention because of it's details. I especially love the little huts built around and within the mountain's body.
The beautiful colours are clearly shown and creates a calm, relaxed atmosphere. It also indicates the evening sun fall and the light from the windows are incredibly realistic.

I created several thumbnail images. These images took around 1/2 minuets long and they were parts of the image I was inspired to draw.
As you can see I used certain parts of the image to use as my own and gave it my own style.
These image then helped me with my final sketch.

With my final sketch, the previous thumbnail images helped a huge amount and I choose to go with an idea I came up with previously. The finally sketch took around 35 minuets to complete. I wanted to indicate a lot of shading and lighting within the scene to show realism in my image. The style of the sketch is rough and dirty which was deliberate. A stair way within a rocky mountain side is never clean and structures. The environment takes over and they become one. In my final image, I really want to show that.

Heres the final concept of my environment. I used the perspective skills I learnt previously to create the depth and and gave my brushes opacity to create the shades. My concept was a huge help as both a reference and a concept. You can clearly see some of the concepts features transferred onto the final image. I wanted to create a nocturnal atmosphere and the glare from the lights help create the effect. I also only used shades to learn about the lighting and shading environments and this exercises really did help me improve.

The environment didn't feel finished/complete so I began to elaborate the design and create new features.

  The final outcome of my environment came as a surprise to me. I really didn't think I could create it but after the lessons and tutorials, I now have the confidence to sketch up concepts for environment.
As you can, my inspired piece from Noah Bradley had a lot of involvement including the building structure and landscape. I also used the light seeking through the windows to create the night-light effect.
I used highlight on the rocks to create the sunrise and angle of the sunlight and mid tons on the stairs to create depth and my perspective skills allowed me to create the depth with the stairs and building. 
All in all, Im extremely pleased with this piece and I can now continue on with other environments with confidence. 

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