Friday 9 November 2012

Character Concept Art

Inspirational Artist

By chance, I came across Lorin Wood's portfolio whilst looking into mechanical scenes and characters. Lorin Wood is a unique, talented character and environment artist who has worked on such games as Boarderlands 1 & 2 and Aliens: Colonial Marines. He uses a lot of geometric shapes and straight lines to create his mechas and has published many of them around the web. (

This piece in particular is one of my favourite. 

Before any large scale sketches can begin, I usually create 6 small, rough sketches of inspiring pieces.
This gets my own inspiration on paper and allows me to pick certain features from a piece and customise it in my own way.

Concept Work

After these sketches I had a clear idea to what my character was going to look like and with that confidence  I began a large scale sketch.

I then scanned in the sketch and opened it on PhotoShop. Using different technique, I created my final character concept.
(Without colour)

I used other mechs for colour inspiration and to help create the shades. I really wanted to create realistic shading to portray the 3D character.

(With colour)
Once I finished the character I didn't feel it was complete. I needed to create a background to give a story and so I went for a apocalyptic world.

Im extremely pleased with the final outcome of my character. The inspiration was a huge help for creating the basic structure and features.
The colours were inspired by copper and rusted mechanical objects to create a rustic effect and to show the emphases the age of the robot.
The inspired piece had the structure but there wasn't anything else going on. I wanted my image to have more features and involvement from the environment to create a story.
From learning about lighting a scene in previous lessons, I added highlights, mid tons and core shadows to create portray the lighting and to create the shininess of the material.

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